Otto A. Vass Memorial Site
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Ottó Attila Vass
Jan. 17, 1945 -- Aug. 9, 2000

Victim of Toronto Police brutality.

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In the mean time, see where it all happened, read the English or Hungarian press accounts of the incident, or check out the images or the events page. You can also help the SIU identifying eight 7-Eleven witnesses or have a look at my pics at the Oct. 20 demo at the annual Progressive Conservative Party convention.

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Otto's body is moved from the parking lot after paramedics were unable to revive him. Eyewitness Amir Hameed, 23, who watched the incident with his roomate Asim Abbasi, 30, from their front porch at 250 Lansdowne Ave., roughly 40 metres away, said: "They [the police] were beating him worse than an animal. He wasn't fighting back at all." Another witness, a woman who was in the 7-Eleven parking lot, said that two officers kicked and elbowed Otto and then another squad car arrived, and "one officer ran accross the parking lot and kicked him in the face." Another woman, who used binoculars and watched the altercation from her fifth-floor apartment, said she saw Otto on the ground, on his stomach, hollering in pain with his face "all bloodied." This was NOT an accident, it was murder and THE POLICE are responsible. We cannot forget about Otto and his tragic death. This can happen to anyone. This cannot continue. We cannot bring back Otto, but we can bring justice so that his death will not be in vain. If you or anyone has any information regarding his death, please contact the Special Investigations Unit, St. Elizabeth Church of Hungary, the Hungarian community. Please help Otto, his family & friends.
Esto no fue un accidente. Esto fue un homicidio y LOS POLICÍAS son los responsables. Nosotros no pos podemos olvidar desta trajedia. Nodie merece morrir desta manera. Un hombre casado con 5 hijos, trabajador, generoso y amigo de todos. Este desastre puede occurir a cualquier persona. El hombre dento del cajón no parecia ser Otto Vass. Cara fuiste, hinchada, negra y llena de sufrimento. Tenemos que reunirlos como comunidad y traer justicia a esta situación. No podemos negar que esta muerte podia haber sido prevenido. Por favor, si alguén vio algo, hable y declare la verdad. Los responsables tieren que pagar por lo que han hecho. Por favor, firme la hoja em apao de Otto y su familia y amigos. Luche por la JUSTICIA. Isto não foi um accidente. Isto foi um assasino e AS POLÍCIAS são os responsáveis. Nós não podemos esquecer Otto e esta tragédia. Ninquém merece morrer desta maneira. Um homem casado con 5 filhos, trabalhadar, generoso, respeitado eque ajudava a todos. Nós temos de reunir todos para que esta miséria não se repita. Dentro do caixão, não parecia ser Otto. Cara hinehada, negra, triste e cheio de sufrimento. Havia muitas lágrimas de pena. Se precisa a justiça apesar de que ele já está morto. Se alguém viu alguma coisa, não esteja calado, fala, fala e declara a verdade. Luta por otto e a sua familia e amigos. POR FAVOR.

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